Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pregnancy Diabetes (Gestational Diabetes)

Pregnancy diabetes (gestational diabetes) is a form of diabetes experienced by pregnant women. As much as 3 percent of pregnant women known to suffer from this disease despite having no previous history of diabetes.

Dr. Tan Ay Eeng, Gynecology & Gynecology Specialists of Prince Court Medical Center, said that pregnancy diabetes (gestational diabetes)  is typically obtained in the second trimester of pregnancy and will recover after the baby is born. Although the sweet food is not the main cause of this type of diabetes, pregnant women should be thinking of doing a healthy diet and activity during the pregnancy to reduce the risk of this disease.

In general, Tan Ay Eeng explained that, the symptoms of the disease is generally mild and non-threatening, but there is most likely you will experience a listless, thirst, frequent urination, and weight loss despite increased appetite. To be sure, do blood glucose checks.

Following are some of the effects of pregnancy diabetes (gestational diabetes) on infant birth:
A. Large baby (Macrosomia). Babies in the womb produces more insulin which would give excess glucose to fat, thus resulting in infant sizes are larger than usual. This situation will probably complicate the delivery process such as the birth phase becomes longer, the risk of injury at birth, and most likely the mother must give birth by surgery

2. Neonatal hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Baby will continue to produce insulin in large quantities for a certain period of time after birth. But because there are no sources of sugar from the mother, resulting in a newborn will experience hypoglycemia. Conditions like this will make your baby may experience chills or respiratory problems, but this situation can be restored immediately when the babies were given breast milk or sugar water added.

3. Other complications
Baby may be suffering from jaundice (jaundis) at birth. In fact, mothers are likely to be found containing early labor. Although babies are born do not have diabetes, but the baby will be obese or have diabetes in the future.

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